Sunday, June 24, 2007

More research on anorexia . . . I think

I'm a big supporter of more research about anorexia. If you've read my blog or articles you know I think one of the reasons we don't have better treatments is lack of good research. So I'm always excited to see a new study come out.

I have to admit, though, that the title of this one--"What is worse for your sex life: Starving, being depressed, or a new baby?"--reminded me of the kinds of questions you ask your friends when you're in middle school, like "Which would you rather do, burn to death or freeze to death?"

Still, I guess it's a good thing to have the redoubtable Cynthia Bulik involved in a new study, whatever the topic. After all, she's at the forefront of the research on the genetics and biology of anorexia.

Oh, and if you're wondering, the answer to the question the study poses is that it's better to have a new baby.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I too am an avid eating disorder researcher. My name is Trisha Gura and I am author of "Lying in Weight: the Hidden Epidemic of Eating Disorders in Adult Women." (Harper Collins, May 2007). In terms of babies and eating disorders, at least two thirds of those who suffer in their teens do not fully recover. A girl with an eating disorder is a woman prone to relapse. Imagine an active eating disorder during pregnancy. I have heard the stories, as well as those of eating disorders in the midst of marriage, parenting, mid and late life, reeking incredible havoc on people's lives, including spouses, children and grandchildren. Better treatments and better research will help make long term healing possible. Trisha Gura