For those of you on the West Coast (or those who wouldn't mind a sunny interlude in January), Maudsley Parents is pleased to announce that registration is open for our next conference, scheduled for Jan. 21, 2011, in San Diego.
The fabulous lineup for this one-day conference includes a talk on the neurobiology of eating disorders by Dr. Walter Kaye of the University of California-San Diego; a talk on family-based treatment (FBT) by Dr. Daniel le Grange of the University of Chicago; an interactive session on FBT by Dr. le Grange and Dr. Renee Hoste, also of University of Chicago; and a dynamic presentation on multi-family treatment for eating disorders by Roxanne Rockwell, the lead therapist at the University of California-San Diego's Eating Disorders Program. I've worked with all of these professionals, and they're amazing. I'll also be doing a reading from my book, Brave Girl Eating.
Register before November 30 and get the early bird rate of only $60 for a day full of education (and lunch!). For more information, click here. Hope to see you in San Diego!