I was interviewed this morning for the SU campus newspaper about Project BODYTALK. The reporter asked me an interesting question: Do I think that the act of telling your story around food and body image is healing? Is that what I hope to accomplish through this project--healing for the people who tell their stories?
My answer: Absolutely. But I also know that healing--in whatever form--will also happen through listening to these powerful stories.
To that end, I'd like to collect as many commentaries as possible. You don't have to have an eating disorder or serious body image issue to tell your story--in fact, I'd like to hear from people who feel good about their bodies, too!
Project BODYTALK starts today on the Syracuse University campus--but you don't have to come to campus to participate. Record your commentary in the privacy of your own living room and send it to me as an MP3 file. Please say your name and age at the start of the recording; if you want to remain anonymous, say that on the file too, and I'll edit it out.
If you want to submit a file, send it to hnbrown at syr dot edu.
If you're in or near Syracuse, come on down to the BODYTALK audiobooth any day this week or next between 3 and 8 p.m.: Newhouse 2, Room 472, studio P.
I hope to hear your story.