I'm sitting in the San Diego Airport, having gotten here at an ungodly hour for my flight back to NY. But I don't mind, because yesterday's Maudsley Parents conference was a great success.
The conference sold out, and our room was packed with a dynamic mix of clinicians and families.

The always cerebral Dr. Walter Kaye opened the conference with a friendlier-than-usual exploration of the neurobiology of eating disorders. Next up was Dr. Daniel leGrange of the University of Chicago, who took us through the history of research on eating disorders (distressingly meager) and explained in great detail the history of family-based treatment.
After lunch, we heard from Dr. le Grange and Dr. Renee Hoste, also of the University of Chicago, on clinical applications of the research. Last but not least, Roxie Rockwell of University of California-San Diego explained UCSD's wonderful week-long multi-family intensive program. (All PowerPoint slides are up on the Maudsley Parents website.)
Kudos to the main conference organizer, my partner-in-crime at Maudsley Parents, Jane Cawley, who by now really knows how to put on a great day.
And thanks to everyone who participated and attended. We're thinking New York City for our next conference. Stay tuned!