If you live in central New York, please come participate in the BODYTALK project at Syracuse University. It's modeled after NPR's Storycorps booth, a traveling audio booth where people could record anonymous commentaries about things that mattered to them.
BODYTALK gives people a chance to record commentaries about their relationships with their bodies, appearances, food, eating, and weight. For the first two weeks of November, a recording studio at SU's Newhouse School of Public Communications (where I teach) will be set aside for anyone who wants to record a commentary. You can give your name or do it anonymously. Some commentaries will air on NPR's national show 51%; others will, I hope, be published eventually on a website.
If you can't get to Syracuse, you can record your own commentary and send me the mp3 file. I'd love to have as many people as possible take part in the project.
Who: Anyone!
What: Record a commentary (between 3 and 10 minutes long) in
Newhouse 2, Room 472, Suite P
When: Nov. 2-13; most days 3-8 p.m. (sign up at suite P, or walk
in at any time)
Because the more we talk about these feelings, the more shame and stigma will fall away.
*Photo originally published by Roosevelt University.