I've started planning a book tour in earnest for BRAVE GIRL EATING, my memoir about our family's struggle to help our daughter recover from anorexia. My goal: To visit as many towns, especially university towns, as possible, and to get in front of as many pediatricians, doctors, therapists, and families as I can.
Here's where you come in, dear readers: I need your help arranging events in your town. I'm aiming to get on the schedule for university lecture and talk series, because I know this book will be of interest to both the scientific community (it's got lots of science and neurobiology for all you geeks, and I count myself among you) and to college audiences. The best way for me to make contact with folks around the country is through someone who's already in the community and who can broker an introduction and help me connect with the right person.
I'd love to come speak in your town, at your university, in your state--hell, in your doctor's office. So if you can help please let me know. My email addy is harriet at harrietbrown dot com. Tentative schedule to come in the next few weeks, I hope!
Hi Harriet,
Too bad you're not planning to come to Canada. I live in a university town and actually GO to the local university, taking Community Economic and Social Development courses, which I think you and your book would fit right into. I wish you all the best on your tour!
I'd go to Canada! Actually I live pretty close, in upstate NY. Where are you?
Definitely contact Kepler's Books in Menlo Park, CA: http://www.keplers.com/. It's one of the largest & most successful independent bookstores in the Bay Area, and they have lots of author appearances. Sorry I don't have any specific contact info for you--I'm just a fan!
How about contacting Libraries?
Yes! I love libraries. Saved my life as a kid, I'm convinced.
try the organization: Beyond Hunger, San Rafael, CA
@Virginia: Thank you!
Hi Harriet,
I work at Sheena's Place, a support centre for people struggling wtih eatings disorders and their families. A mother from one of my support groups sent me your information. I am definitely going to check out your book and add it to our library!
If you do come to Canada pls Contact me! 416-927-8900 x33
I live in River Falls, WI (25 miles from St. Paul, MN)... There is a large network of Eating Disorder resources in the Twin Cities metro area..... Dr. Julie Lesser at The Melrose Institute(http://www.parknicollet.com/eatingdisorders/) , The Emily Program (http://www.emilyprogram.com/)....in Fargo Dr. Stephen Wonderlich and James Mitchell run the Eating Disorder Institute.... I've worked with Dr. Lesser and Dr. Wonderlich......
In River Falls, there is the University of WI...... I would be happy to attempt to help coordinate other contacts in this area..... Your words are seriously spot on. If you ever come to Western WI or MN, I hope that my mom and I will have the opportunity to meet you.... You put our journey in your words. Unbelievable how similar my story is from your daughter's.....
Hi Harriet
Many of our Canadian family's hunger for the knowledge and help with the demanding (Demon) eating disorder.
Your book has already helped one Canadian family on the road to recovery, just imagine what a book tour could do.....We have some great university's and Library's
From: mother bear who is watching over her cub
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