Wednesday, June 18, 2008

If your child has an eating disorder, read on. . . .

I've written before and recently about how eating disorders affect the entire family. E.d.s are incredibly stressful for both sufferers and the people who love them.

So I was interested to see this study, showing that even mild stress, if it's chronic, affects cognitive abilities in rats. It makes them forget things they've just learned and alters their neuroimmune and neuroendocrine systems.

Of course this applies to any families dealing with acute or chronic illness.

Me, I'm glad to know that there were sound physiological reasons for my post-recovery meltdowns. So if your child is doing well (and especially if she's not), and you're forgetful, irritable, can't concentrate--just know that it's not your fault and that there are good reasons for your brain drain.


Anonymous said...

Thank you. It wasn't an ED, but my family has dealt with a chronic illness in a family member for the last couple of years, and I see some of the same effects in myself.

Mrs. B said...

I finially figured out why I can't remember anything: So I won't hold against my ed child--when she screams and yells; I can't remember afterwards what was said--maybe it is for my protection. I know that its not her!!

mary said...

Of course stress will wear on us...and we don't need another study to tell us this. We are our own study, our own experts. : O
Hugs to all who are dealing with the added stresses of a sick or needy child, family member, or loved one.

Anonymous said...

Intersting article on PubMed.
from May 12, 2008,
compares the needs of carers of one with anorexia, to the carers of one with schizophrenia, as similar.

Soc Psychiatry Psychiatric Epidem.

Makes sense to me.

Harriet said...

Me too. Here's the cite: