Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sarcastic Saturday

Insurers in Illinois may soon have to cover eating disorders, according to this article from the Chicago Sun-Times.

What a novel idea! Covering treatment for an illness! Why didn't we think of that sooner?


Anonymous said...

I appreciate that while the article mentioned the high potential cost of treatment (not that all treatment would necessarily cost that much), it took the effects of eating disorders seriously and didn't take that eye-rolling tone of "one more thing for us to pay for" that you sometimes see in articles about insurance mandates. This is potentially very good news for Illinois.

Harriet said...

I know. I agree. It *is* potentially very good news. I'm just frustrated that we're taking such baby steps and it's taking soooo long to get people to treat eating disorders like "real" illnesses.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps some day we will have mental health parity! I'm with you--health insurance for treating illness! Who'd a thunk it! And I hear you spacedcowgirl--as someone who racked up over $10,000 in debt in about a month on in and outpatient care that my insurance wouldn't cover this is a potential lifesaver.

Anonymous said...

I hope other states follow Illinois' lead. *crosses fingers*

Anonymous said...

ha! Sarcasm duly noted. I'll believe this when I see it...a bit too late for me, but it would be SO great!