Monday, March 10, 2008


Apologies to regular readers for not posting much the last week or two. I've been in negotiations for a new job, and I'm delighted to say that beginning this fall I will be an assistant professor in magazine journalism at the Newhouse School of Journalism at Syracuse University.

Big changes for me and the family, including a move back east from the wilds of Wisconsin.

My head should be back in the blogworld pretty soon. :-)


mary said...


This is big move. I know you'll do well at this. They made a good choice! Lucky students.

Rachel said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Syracuse on landing such an asset! They're lucky to have you.

Anonymous said...

And welcome to Upstate New York. Since you are coming from Wisconsin, I won't have to advise you on stocking up on shovels, boots, long underwear and woolies. But, you will have to acquaint yourselves with the concept of "lake effect snow" and the rather crabby driving conditions on Rt. 690 and Rt. I81. I'll be at the other end of said interstate, in Binghamton, giving you a wave...

Anonymous said...

Syracuse's gain is Madison's loss! I'll miss your proximity, Harriet, even if it was only psychological (knowing that you were nearby, versus actually running into you). How does your family feel about the move?

searching for eating with said...

Congratulations, Harriet!

Erishkegal said...

What wonderful news! Congratulations!

Chanda (aka Bea) said...

Congratulations on the new job and the upcoming move. I can't imagine why you've been distracted! :)

Fiona Marcella said...

Congratulations on the new job. They're lucky to have you

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Harriet!!

Wow, I'm gumsmacked.

I'm totally bummed, but for purely selfish reasons. This is so very, very exciting for you. You will make a fabulous teacher.

Congrats! (Really, I'm not just saying.) :)

Harriet said...

Thank you everyone. It's nice to have a cheering section when you're making this kind of sea change. Toby, let's find a way to meet up sometime. I know upstate NY well already; my mother in law lived in the tiny town of Roseboom, near Cooperstown, and I've spent many summers and vacations there.

anonymous, I wish I knew who you were! Thanks for asking about the family. We all have mixed feelings, including excitement about the changes to come and the possibilities therein.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, and darn!

Big congratulations on what looks like a GREAT fit for you.

Darn....because Wisconsin will sorely miss you!

Harriet said...

You'll just have to come visit, Rebecca! There's a very nice train from Chicago right to Syracuse. :-)

hbl said...

Does this mean you are leaving Wisconsin Trails Magazine?

Harriet said...

It does. My last day there will be April 18, as I'm taking a few months off between jobs to start getting ready to teach.

Are you a reader of Wisconsin Trails? Is this good news or bad news to you? :-)

hbl said...

I am a subscriber. Also, the one who was pestering you over email about the new Web site.

You brought a fresh perspective to the mag; that's a good thing.

But, I was a little concerned over the editorial in the native American issue: That, somehow, Anglos have no standing--if that's the idea--in presenting native American people and culture. My nephew is a native American by birth and I can assure you he is plain folks just like you and me.

Anyway, you leave the magazine in fine condition. I hope your successor keeps it that way.

Harriet said...

I don't think Anglos have *no* standing--just that we need to recognize it's an outsider's perspective. Imagine the tables turned, Anglos in the minority, and non-Anglos presenting that culture. You'd just want to be aware of the pitfalls of the perspective.

Thanks for the kind words about the magazine. And check the WT website. The new one is up in very rudimentary form.

Anonymous said...

I go to Syracuse University- Newhouse is a wonderful establishment, and I look forward to the positive addition your writing will provide.

I hope you like it here!

Harriet said...

Hello Maria,

Come and introduce yourself to me next fall! I'm excited to be joining such a fantastic program.